Monday, January 9, 2006

The weekend was good

ok the weekend was short and fast but good. I always enjoy having Jake and Delilah down. (and I don't say that because they read my blog either) It is always fun. We went geocaching, and it was fun. You have to read Deliliah's blog for what happened Sunday morning I thought it was a classic Miller weekend. Click here.

Read Jake's blog too.

That's it I am back to work and I still enjoy that too. Oh yeah it is MLK day next Monday and I will not have to go into work... Again. I don't mean to rub it in, but it is hard not to. I will upload more of this weekends pictures soon. TTFN

1 comment:

amyd76 said...

I hear you! Isn't this great?? I have MLK day off and Tuesday too. I'm not sure why. Our school calendar just says "break- no school". That's 4 days!! Yippeeee!! By the way, what exactly do you do? Just wondering.