While I was cutting up one this morning, Terry shot a nice ten point buck as well, and he and I drug him up out of the hollow. He looks good. I will get a picture up soon, (or Stephanie will.) All this before 9:00 am this morning. I hope to get out there again tonight if all the cutting is finished, but then I just realized that It will be dark when I leave the office tonight, duh.
So to brag on my wife a bit here, I am eating leftovers from yesterday, and I can go down the list of highlights from the menu:
- Turkey- genetically engineered of course, that is a post of itself um, um, good. I am not opposed to the genetic engineering that is going on, everyone just remember not very turkey has that big breasts and legs normally.
- Stuffing-Linda made this it is always great.
- Ham- Linda also made a good sized honey spiral sliced ham, yum.
- Sweet potatoes- I used to not really like these but after I was forced into it and tried them they are good. She doesn't make the marshmallow kid that would be disgusting. Stephanie made them this time with a pecan crust on top. It is almost like a pecan pie. It was delicious.
- Rolls- She made these rolls from scratch. Again, why am I not 350 lbs? She made white and whole wheat. I enjoyed both. The white had a nice flavor, but the wheat made for a hearty addition to your gravy.
- Cornbread salad- Linda again, this is something I had never hear of before, and 5 years ago , I would not have tried it, but I took my thank you serving and it was not bad at all. Really.
- Spinach pie- This was from Aunt Brenda, a nice addition to the table as well.
- Mashed Potatoes-from scratch by Linda again, they was good.
- Cranberry sauce I did not partake of this homemade side dish. sorry Steph.
- Wild Grape Ketchup- I didn't partake of this either, it tastes like a smooth BBQ sauce.
I'm sure that were more things, but I can't remember them all right now.
I don't think there was a thing served on that table that tasted bad. How do you incorporate horse riding apparel into a post that will ultimately have nothing to do with horses or anything like that? I could mention that my brother used to work for a Weaver Leather and I saw their advertisement in some horse riding magazine one day, but he doesn't work for them any more so there would be not point. huh? Now back to our regularly scheduled program.
Should I even mention what was served for dessert? ok, you twisted my arm...There was:
Pecan pie
Pumpkin pie
Pumpkin cake
Date pudding
I think that was it, but I think I forgot something, the fact is I am the most spoiled person on the planet. I am really surprised that I am not going on the TV show The Biggest Loser. Oh and another thought. It is snowing finally, and the weather is perfect for hunting. and the start of the Christmas Season (notice I didn't say holiday.) I can officially enjoy some of the Christmas Music that is being played and try not to get sick of it by December 10th. I hope everyone had a enjoyable Thanksgiving as I did.
Rest up this weekend and get a lot of exercise, I hear that the average American will gain 8 lbs over the Christmas Season. I hope I can come out below ten.... moo
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