Friday, November 21, 2008

I have found it...

I have found my hero. This guy has been doing everything that I want to do around the farm and more. Just when you think you are a serious homesteader, Ron shows you up. He just butchered his 2nd pig this fall! and I was thinking hard whether or not( pun intended, a  whether is a castrated goat) to butcher my goat myself. After taking my deer to the butcher to have it cut (time vs. money thing) we were pretty dissapointed in the cuts. You get what you pay for and as papaw proudly states. "It you want it done right, you gotta do it yourself.! So I think we may be doing more butchering. I don't mind. It does goes back to the time vs. money and in this case what your money gets you. When I butcher myself, I cut off the bone knowing how I am going to cook it. I cut all the meat off the bone. I especially enjoy the fillets that come from the tenderlion (or backstraps as they are also called) The butcher just cuts everything off the bone, so I don't get the whole meat fillet. So there.Speaking of meat, I am going home early to hunt before gun season starts Monday and all the lunatics come out to shoot everything that moves...


Ron said...

It's funny how one things leads to another. We never thought we'd be doing half the things we have.

I guess it was my horrible experiences at hiring people to save me time that drove me to all this. :) Having to redo and worry about things that I hired done ended up not saving me any time or stress, and certainly did not save me any money. Now, I prefer to just do stuff myself, if I can. :)


Tim Appleton (Applehead) said...

That's what I have found too. We have hired out things that should have been done right the first time, and end up redoing it ourselves.