Monday, September 11, 2006

Mushrooms and pears

This weekend we picked pears from a wild pear tree. Ron found a couple puffball mushrooms which btw, is the cream of the crop of mushrooms. So Stephanie fried them up and it was Delicious! If you haven't seen the Puff balls then look because they are big, and slice up nicely. Taste oh, so good. then later I went out and found two more big ones. they were too old and starting to spore already so you can't eat them. You can tell when sliced open, it will have yellow spots and and squishy. The nice ones have a cream cheese like center, solid and when fried(like anything fried) taste SO good. I have heard storie about kid playing kick ball with them and when kicke dthe yellow dust would fly everywhere!

We also found a good deal of Oyster Mushrooms too they are good as well and can be dried. Where the big puff balls don't dry well and do not keep long at all. and honestly, they are so good you will want to eat them right away.


Stephanie Appleton said...

WE made pear sauce for lunch today. Vivian loved it. The older ones added a bit of sugar and then loved it too! Mom loved it. It was free! :)

Anonymous said...

Did Mamaw tell you about the time we kids found a big puffball on the farm? Thought it was one of those white metal dishpans from a distance -- it was so big! And delicious. (Mom sent us back to get it after we told her about it.) Steph comes by all this naturally!
Aunt Nancy

Anonymous said...

I don't remember the puff ball - must have been too young. But the ones we had this weekend were great. Now if we can just find some morels in the spring!!!
